高雄 . 前金區 . 沙拉輕食館
If you're looking for a healthier and fresher restaurant meal, a salad may seem like an obvious choice. Unfortunately, some salads can be high-priced and less flavourful. Today, I am going to introduce you a salad restaurant called, Woopen.
如果你正尋求健康且新鮮的飲食需求的話,沙拉通常會是一個不錯的選項!然而台灣市面上大多的沙拉都比較單調乏味,幾乎清一色都是只有綠色生菜類灑進盤子裡,卻賣以高單價的價位!今天要跟你們介紹的這間 "Woopen 木盆沙拉" 是一間以沙拉作為主題販賣的輕食餐廳,其分店也已經遍佈在全台各地!
Every time, when I woke up with a craving for a nice salad, and I knew just where to go! Woopen is one of my favorite salad restaurants in Kaosiung that I can go to regularly for a fantastic meal. The menu is varied and the prices are very reasonable for the quality and quantity of the meal. It's a nice place for both dine-in or takeaway (take-away salad is cheaper, but smaller in portion).
As with all seafood dishes, freshness is key when it comes to smoked salmon salad, one of my favorites to order from here. The salad is often served with few toppings (Tuna, Chicken, Smoked salmon, Fresh garden, Roasted beef, German sausage). You can also ask the restaurant to add additional topping and customize your own meal.
"Woopen 木盆沙拉" 一直都是我在高雄最喜歡的輕食餐廳之一,也是少數幾個我會願意定期過去的!以沙拉來說,他們所提供的菜單非常的多樣化,不論是價格上、餐食的質量上及份量都非常的合理!不論是內用或者外帶都非常推薦給現在經常外食的學生或者上班族 (外帶的沙拉在價格上會更便宜,但份量就相對比較小)。
這次點的挪威燻鮭魚沙拉,就如同所有海鮮的菜色一樣,煙燻鮭魚的新鮮度是非常重要的,畢竟是整份主餐最主要攝取的蛋白質,基本上選用的食材就非常需要被注意!沙拉全部都有主食可以就選擇:從 低卡鮪魚、低卡雞肉、煙燻鮭魚、燒烤牛肉、德式香腸 到 田園鮮蔬,提供了各式各樣的選擇,當然,如果你有個人偏好也可以跟餐廳徵詢做客製化的沙拉!
The salad is fresh with 5 options of dressings (Caesar, Japanese vinaigrette, grapefruit yogurt, Japanese sesame, and Plum). I personally recommend the Japanese vinaigrette, very light and refreshing.
Their soup is either tomato vegetable (with basil pesto) or fresh mushrooms. I usually order the focaccia bread as an additional.
沙拉提供了五種佐醬供大家選擇:從 凱薩醬、和風油醋汁、優格醬、日式胡麻醬 到 梅子醬,讓吃沙拉不再只是咬食生菜那麼單調無聊,也能有各種不一樣的滋味出來!我個人最喜歡的是和風油醋汁,這次搭以挪威燻鮭魚剛好可以減輕燻鮭的油膩感,比起其他醬,也相對比較清爽沒負擔!
● 挪威燻鮭魚沙拉 Smoked salmon salad $165
● 低卡鮪魚沙拉 Tuna salad $135
● 加點 暖心組合:佛卡夏麵包+今日例湯 Rosted focaccia bread & soup $59
🏠 地址:702台南市南區西門路一段689巷17號(藍晒圖文創園區)
☎️ 電話:07-251 0383
⏰ 營業時間:週一至週日 10:30 - 20:30
🔎 Facebook: @woopen
🔎 Instagram:@woopen