上週前往桃園土地公文化館參加了剛開展的『八面威風 家將特展』,以前完全沒有想過會認識家將這一門文化,老百姓可能也常會對這一門文化產生誤會,但經過這次文化基金會的邀請,我實在是以全新面貌體驗了這門民俗文化!
Last week, I visited the recently opened "Majestic Mastery The Art of Jia Jiang” at the Taoyuan Tudigong Cultural Museum. I had never thought about getting to know this cultural aspect of "Jia Jiang” before, and it's possible that people often have misunderstandings about this cultural practice as well.
However, thanks to the invitation I had the opportunity to experience this folk culture in a completely new way!
This special exhibition was curated by a group of national treasure-level masters of folk culture. It started with the cultural history as the foundation and showcased various physical artifacts, oil paintings, films, and artistic exhibits to allow the public to immerse themselves in the charm of Taiwan's Jia Jiang culture. Additionally, the exhibition venue, the Taoyuan Tudigong Cultural Museum, is located in the center of Taoyuan City, making it a great place for families to visit on weekends and holidays!
The "Jia Jiang" or "Ba Jia Jiang" in Mandarin, are colorful and distinctive characters often seen during religious processions and temple festivals across Taiwan. Each Family General represents a specific virtue or god, and their appearances are characterized by their vivid costumes, face paint, and intricate props. 🎭💫
Let's delve into the roots and significance of this ancient tradition! 🌳🔍 Discover the historical origins of Jia Jiangs, their roles in protecting communities and promoting righteousness. Explore the diverse regional variations found throughout Taiwan and witness the awe-inspiring artistry behind their elaborate costumes and accessories. 🗺️🌟
👉🏻 開幕儀式當天體驗了超特別的家將繪臉體驗,不得不由衷佩服每一位畫師師傅的手工真的好穩又很厲害快速!每一位繪臉的民眾幾乎都是不一樣的臉譜,現場大部分都是小朋友做體驗,透過這樣的體驗也讓在地民眾可以參與其中。當天也有發放平安餅給民眾帶回家,替民眾祈福一切平安。
On the day of the opening ceremony, I had a unique experience of participating in a special face-painting activity for Jia Jiang. I couldn't help but admire the incredible skill and speed of every master painter. Each face painting was almost unique, and most of the participants were children. Through this activity, local residents could also actively participate in the cultural experience.
👉🏻 我個人也體驗了畫臉的過程,雖然在被畫之前有些許忐忑,但師傅穩穩的手工讓人感到安心,在畫臉的過程中也很期待成品長得如何!
I personally experienced the process of having my face painted. Although I felt a bit nervous before being painted, the master's steady hand made me feel at ease. I was also excited to see how the final result would turn out during the process of painting my face.
Moreover, I even got interviewed by a local journalist after the face painting was completed. It was truly an interesting experience!
👉🏻 整個展覽就坐落在土地公文化館的5、6樓,不僅是展出家將文化的文物之外,也透過了繪畫、攝影、手藝等多種形式讓民眾可以快速地融入到民俗文化世界中,另外當天開幕式也邀請了桃園在地的廣澤會館:『聖行民俗技藝團』與 前超級星光大道冠軍:賴銘偉(現任廣澤宮宮主,aka. 搖滾宮主)將民宿藝陣結合了搖滾音樂,演出超精彩的家將表演!
The entire exhibition was located on the 5th and 6th floors of the Tudigong Cultural Museum. In addition to showcasing cultural artifacts related to Jia Jiang, it incorporated various forms of art, such as painting, photography, and craftsmanship, allowing the public to quickly engage with the world of folk culture. Moreover, the opening ceremony featured a fantastic performance by the local Guangze Hall and the former champion of the "Super Star Avenue": Lai Ming-Wei, combining traditional folk arts with rock music.
⚠️ 大家在欣賞的過程中也要小心不要觸碰、弄壞這些珍藏文物喔!
There are many artifacts on display, allowing the public to directly understand the culture of Jia Jiang (all of these are collected from various regions across Taiwan by Jia Jiang arts groups and masters). ⚠️ While appreciating them, please be careful not to touch or damage these precious artifacts!
開幕當天還遇見展出油畫的藝術家 吳季樺 大師的 官將首/家將油畫作品,也聽到了他特別的介紹。能看到有那麼多厲害的人為一個傳統文化做推廣實在很感動。
On the opening day, we also had the opportunity to meet the renowned artist Master Wu Jihua, who showcased his official and personal portrait paintings of Jia Jiang. We even had the privilege of listening to his special introduction. It was truly touching to witness so many talented individuals promoting traditional culture.
In addition to the oil paintings, there were also comics available that provided a clear understanding of Jia Jiang, especially for children!
👉🏻 在5、6樓的展覽中,除了展出文物外,也有許多互動裝置及互動遊戲,讓大人小孩都能以最簡單的方式了解家將的起源、分布在台灣各地的不同之處,另外當天主辦方也特別提到希望藉由這次的特展也能收集來自全台各地不同的家將團體可以在其中一個裝置藝術展品上面插旗~
In the exhibition on the 5th and 6th floors, besides the displayed artifacts, there were also interactive installations and games that allowed both adults and children to understand the origins of Jia Jiang and the differences among them in different parts of Taiwan in a simple and engaging way. Furthermore, the organizers specially mentioned that they hoped to collect flags from different Jia Jiang groups from all over Taiwan on one of the installation art pieces at the exhibition.
Moreover, drawing papers and 3D puzzles were provided on-site, and I saw many children and adults happily engaging with these activities. I highly recommend everyone to visit this special exhibition on a holiday and help promote this local cultural heritage to an international audience, ensuring the continuity of this tradition.
素人藝術家 郭禹睿,本業是廚師,但因為熱愛藝術文化創作,自己無師自通,選用了這些剩材以廢物再利用的方式製作出了家將的小公仔們,每一幅作品都獨一無二,也不得不佩服他的創造力!
Did you notice what material this artwork is made of? That's right! It's made from lobster and crab shells!!
Amateur artist Guo Yurui, who is actually a chef by profession, has a passion for artistic and cultural creations. With self-taught skills, he chose to repurpose these leftover materials in a creative way to make the miniature figurines of Jia Jiang. Each artwork is unique, and one cannot help but admire his creativity!
In addition to art exhibitions, there are also products and merchandise created in collaboration with Jia Jiang, a popular cultural series related to tradition. For example, the well-known "Guai Guai" snacks has previously featured packaging designs inspired by the Jia Jiang series. There are even Jia Jiang-themed capsule toys available, which are truly unique collectibles!
👉🏻 除此之外,土地公文化館本身的常態展也很推薦大家可以逛一下,位在大樓的2、3樓,裡面也有很多展覽及互動裝置,不論大人小孩都可以體驗喔!
In addition to the special exhibition, I also recommend exploring the regular exhibitions at the Tudigong Cultural Museum itself, located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. Inside, there are many exhibits and interactive installations that both adults and children can enjoy.
As a regular exhibition, it showcases various traditional cultures related to the Tudigong and serves as a method for children to quickly learn about divine stories! In addition to the culture of the Tudigong, there is also a small stage where children can experience Taiwanese opera. Nowadays, it is rare to see erected opera stages outside. Through this simple setting, children can play and personally experience this unique local culture, which is a rare opportunity.
Inside, there are many Tudigong statues from different parts of Taiwan, which are very interesting! It also allows us to see a variety of cultural heritages.
There are also interactive motion-sensing installations at the venue, which are incredibly fun! They are perfect for both kids and adults to experience together. At the end, your score will be displayed, and the nature of making wishes is similar to our usual practice of paying respects. It's a cool interactive game!
You can even have the results sent email to yourself!
整體來講,由桃園市文化基金會 及 桃園市土地公文化館 所主辦的『八面威風 家將特展』真的是一個很值得大人小孩都去參觀,並且接觸互動的文化體驗!相信你們會跟我一樣擁有全新的發現!
Overall, the "Majestic Mastery The Art of Jia Jiang" organized by the Taoyuan Cultural Foundation and the Taoyuan Tudigong Cultural Museum, is truly worth visiting for both adults and children to experience interactive cultural immersion. I believe you will have the same sense of discovery as I did!
『八面威風 家將特展』現在開始至七月底,在 桃園市土地公文化館 展出,大家千萬不要錯過這麼特別的機會!
The exhibition will be on display at the Taoyuan City Land Public Cultural Center from now until the end of July. Don't miss this special opportunity!
The following is also an English introduction of "Jia Jiang" culture. You can share this copy with your foreign friends, so that the world can have a deeper understanding of the beauty of Taiwan's local culture!
Step into the captivating world of Taiwan's rich heritage with the vibrant 'Ba Jia Jiang' tradition! Let us take you on a journey through time and unveil the secrets of this unique local culture that has withstood the test of time.
🎭 What is 'Ba Jia Jiang'?
Originating from the southern part of Taiwan, 'Ba Jia Jiang' is a captivating folk performance that combines elements of martial arts, dance, and theatrical storytelling. It is a celebration of courage, loyalty, and the triumph of good over evil.
🌟 Dazzling Costumes and Fierce Characters
Immerse yourself in a visual spectacle as the performers don magnificent, intricately designed costumes. Each character represents a distinct personality, from mighty generals to mischievous clowns. The vibrant colors and ornate details make for an enchanting sight.
💃 Mesmerizing Dance Moves
Witness the graceful and energetic dance moves of the 'Ba Jia Jiang' performers. With their precise footwork, fluid motions, and synchronized movements, they bring the stories to life, mesmerizing audiences with their skill and passion.
🥁 Rhythmic Beats and Thrilling Music
The resounding beats of drums and the melodies of traditional instruments create an electrifying atmosphere during the performances. The rhythm sets the pace for the action, intensifying the excitement and engaging spectators in the vibrant world of 'Ba Jia Jiang.'
🏞️ Connecting with Local Culture
Experience the spirit of Taiwan by connecting with its people and immersing yourself in the 'Ba Jia Jiang' culture. Through this traditional art form, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Taiwan's history, values, and the unwavering spirit of its people.
- 💰免門票費‼️
📍 八面威風 家將特展
📮 桃園市桃園區三民路一段100號(桃園市土地公文化館)
🅿️ 停車資訊:土地公文化館B1、B2( 08:00-18:00 )
🗓 展期:2023.05.20 - 2023.07.30
🕓 週一公休、週二至週日 09:00-17:00
📞 03 336 6860
桃園市土地公文化館 官網 https://www.taoyuantudigong.org.tw/
桃園市土地公文化館 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/taoyuantudigong/
桃園市土地公文化館 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tudigong.tw/
財團法人桃園市文化基金會 http://www.taoyuancf.org.tw
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